The year 2019 is just around the corner; it’s a time for all to make the new year’s resolutions. At the beginning of every year, we make some resolutions and try all possible efforts to achieve them. And digital marketers are not an exception of it. To get a win in the competitive marketplace, it is important for you to think what will be your goal for the new year and how will you accomplish it within the budget. Let’s take a look at the resolutions important for digital marketer.

If You’re Doing Successfully In 2018, Repeat The Same For 2019 Also

Yes, it is true that change is the rule of nature but, there is no problem in following the same approach if everything is going successfully. Hence, if your marketing strategies are rewarding great results with improved marketing performance, boosted business, and higher revenue constantly, don’t switch to other plans.

The digital marketing world did not change much in the year 2019, so there will be no benefit to stop using traditional marketing tactics. But, don’t make the mistake of using all the previous tactics, avoiding the latest trends.

Doing the same things can save your time, money, and efforts but, it may not work well for reaching the new market. In fact, it may also not prove your brand to be unique from others. So, make sure that you play safely in the competitive game of digital marketing by using the result-oriented strategies (traditional as well as the updated ones).

Translation – An Important Global Digital Marketing Strategy

Converting the digital marketing strategy (using human translators) for international potential customers work much better than Google translation. To reach out the worldwide market, it is important to ensure that your message gets across the intended audience in their language. It is true that English is considered as the most spoken lingo online, in fact, a lingua franca but, still you may find numbers of people who prefer accessing the website only in their native language. This is an important considerable point for e-commerce websites.

For example, if you’re targeting the customers in the market of Russia for increased purchasing of your product, then it is crucial for you to avail accurate Russian translation services from certified native speakers. The reason is that more than 75% of the customers buy products only when they find the details in their native lingo. So, include translation as an ongoing process in your digital marketing campaign to expand your presence in foreign markets.

Do What Leading Brand Are Already Doing

If you’re confused what new to try for the coming year, to improve your business success rate, then do what your leading players in your specific niche are doing. No one will blame you for taking the same approach. This helps in saving your time in planning varied effective strategies. But, there is one problem in copying the working method of your rivals. It gives competitors the indication that you are using the same strategies like them. So, you need to work in such a way that it does not appear as if you’re copying your competitors’ idea.

Learn from the past performance and adopt the new approach

As we already discussed, continuing on as before, may work effectively only if it was working fruitfully in the past days also. But, in order to achieve the real progress, you need to take the entirely different approach. Analyze your last year marketing performance and figure out where you’re lacking and what further improvements you need. Ask yourself- who are your potential customers? What do they expect from you? What do they like the most about product or business? And how you can keep them engaged for coming years also. By getting the answer to these questions, you can end up with the selection of proven methods that guarantee you improved success in the digital marketing world.

As you can see that every approach has benefits and limitations as well. So, you must go into deep research about your business goals and which digital marketing strategy or tactic can help you to survive in the future.

Since the year 2019 is coming in a few days, you must be ready to enter the digital marketing world with great success. Develop your resolution and start working on it from today!!