We never stop bragging about our immaculate homes, but we constantly fail terribly when it comes to keeping our environment clean. Today, one of the most pressing concerns in our country is its cleanliness. The roads are always unclean, and the waterways have been poisoned, despite the fact that they are religiously pious and pure. It is the municipal corporation’s job to keep cities clean, but it is also our social responsibility. It is true that we must be the change we wish to see in the world. There are a million ways to approach this problem, but here are a few that can help us get started on the path to a Swachh Bharat.

For Swachh Bharat, environmental awareness and plantations are required

In today’s world, every educational institution must teach society about the value of the environment. Everyone should be taught how to keep their surroundings clean and how to keep themselves clean.

Because deforestation is one of the leading causes of pollution today, greater tree planting should be encouraged.

For Swachh Bharat, the proper rubbish disposal is essential

Stop littering and keep the streets, woods, water bodies, and the rest of our environment clean. Make it a habit to properly dispose of trash in trash cans, and urge others to do the same.

Sorting your trash in support of Swachh Bharat

We believe that sorting different forms of rubbish is a time-consuming operation. On the contrary, it is the most efficient garbage disposal method. All we have to do is sort our trash cans into two categories: biodegradable and non-biodegradable, and then dispose of the trash properly. We may also assist others in putting this into practice. We can reuse certain non-biodegradable garbage or securely dispose of it in this manner, preventing soil pollution.


Disease spread can be prevented if we maintain hygiene both indoors and outdoors. This, in turn, aids in the destruction of mosquito, rodent, and other pathogen vectors’ breeding grounds. According to Make a Change, “Diarrhea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9% of all fatalities among children under the age of five worldwide.” Hands that are dirty are one of the main causes of illness transmission, and everyone should wash their hands thoroughly before eating.

Recycling and reusing

Recycling and reusing are two significant steps toward a cleaner environment. We need to come up with new ways to utilize outdated and unused items. We also need to recycle non-disposable items so that they have no negative impact on the environment.

For a clean India, say no to plastic

Our environment is poisoned with plastic. Because it is non-biodegradable, it does not decompose in the soil and must be disposed of appropriately. If consumed, it can kill animals and, if not properly disposed of, poison our food. As a result, we must reduce our use of plastic bags and always dispose of them in trash cans.

Consume only what you require

Things that we require and desire are not the same. The question is not how much you can pay for what you consume, but rather how much space is left in the world for an individual to consume. Excessive resource exploitation will result in resource depletion. As a result, we must consider the planet’s future when making decisions.

Water stewardship

Water is the most valuable resource in the world, as it is the source of all life. In India, per capita availability has been declining. The main causes of the drop are population growth and the lack of potable water owing to pollution. Water is the driving power of life, agriculture, and many industries, thus rainwater harvesting is the best approach to make water available in the environment. Recycling with adequate water treatment is another alternative for reducing water consumption and waste.

Lower your carbon footprint

The entire amount of greenhouse gasses produced into the atmosphere as a result of an individual’s, organization’s, or community’s actions is known as their carbon footprint.

We must use energy-efficient equipment and keep air conditioners, water heaters, dishwashers, and thermostats to a minimum. To control the greenhouse impact, we must keep our carbon footprints under control.

Pollution of the air

Burning rubbish may appear to be a simple way to dispose of waste, but we are unaware that we are releasing a significant amount of chemicals into the air we breathe. Some automobiles that are not repaired on a regular basis burn a lot of gasoline and pollute the air. Taking public transportation minimizes the number of vehicles on the road, lowering pollution levels.

We need to incorporate this into our daily lives and make it a habit. We will only be able to keep our country clean if we do so; else, we will be leading to an environmental disaster.